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Rumor: Final Fantasy 16 May Be Timed PS5 Exclusive

Rumor: Final Fantasy 16 May Be Timed PS5 Exclusive

Rumor: Final Fantasy 16 May Be Timed PS5 Exclusive | Game Rant

While little is officially known about Final Fantasy 16, rumors are growing that the game could be an exclusive title for the PS5.

With fans still savoring the scrumptious nostalgia of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake, rumors are beginning to gain traction for a game fans know very little about, Final Fantasy 16. With FF7 Remake director Tetsuya Nomura hinting that part two of the Remake might be closer than fans think, a rumor has emerged about what console FF16 might land an exclusivity deal with.

Earlier this month, it seemed that Final Fantasy 16 was still years away, based on the sparse information that had been cobbled together on the game. While it is a game that fans are eager to theorize about, there really hasn't been anything substantial to indicate what this game will be about, or when fans will get a chance to play it.

Deep in the forums of Resetera, user Navtra dropped a little morsel of information that puts forth the idea that Final Fantasy 16 will be some kind of exclusive for PS5. They hint that the game is likely a timed exclusive, much like the Final Fantasy 7 Remake. This is only a rumor, but it comes on the heels of a pretty solid 'prediction' made by the same user on what games were going to appear at the June PS5 event. The only game predicted then that failed to appear was FF16, despite rumors that FF16 would be announced this summer.

Navtra's prediction being almost dead-on gives their latest comment on the exclusivity of Final Fantasy 16 a little extra weight. The confidence of the post could be internet posturing, as making claims that the game is closer to release than people think and that there is some exclusivity are just vague enough, but also very tantalizing to fans hungry for news on the next installment in the franchise. The game generates discussion whenever it is mentioned, and fans have already been talking about what they want to see in FF16.

Those rumors that the game was supposed to be announced this summer might still come true, as the potential PS5 event scheduled for this month could be the place for the game to finally be revealed. With the two next-gen consoles jockeying for dominance, news of a Final Fantasy 16 exclusivity deal could certainly draw fans over to Sony.

Any and all rumors should be taken with a grain of salt, but with this much chatter building about Final Fantasy 16, perhaps fans could be hearing about the game sooner rather than later.

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