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Spider-Man in Marvel's Avengers is exclusive to the PlayStation

Spider-Man in Marvel's Avengers is exclusive to the PlayStation

Spider-Man comes to Marvel’s Avengers

Spider-Man is coming to Marvel's Avengers in 2021 specifically for PlayStation console owners.

Crystal Dynamics Associate Platform Director Jeff Adams revealed in a PlayStation blog post on Monday that Spider-Man will be coming to Marvel's Avengers sometime next year. However, Spider-Man only comes on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, which means that the new Hero does not have access to Windows PC and Xbox Players.

Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics do not specify whether Spider-Man's appearance in Marvel's Avengers will be permanent or time-specific. We have not reached the publisher for more details. Marvel's Spider-Man and Spider-Man: Since Miles Morals are exclusively PlayStation titles, Spider-Man may not appear on Marvel's Avengers on other platforms.

For PlayStation users, Crystal Dynamics is going to make sure that Spider-Man expects fans to switch smoothly between movement and fights. Spider-Man has many skill trees at its disposal - just like all heroes - so players can customize their Spider-Man to play differently than other PlayStation players.

When it comes to fashion, Crystal Dynamics is inspired by the early iterations of Spider-Man, citing artists Steve Ditko and John Romita, who said senior fans can expect the classic red and blue Spide with their webbed underbelly. But Spider-Man fans have to take a lot to settle down from a full game.

Crystal Dynamics Spider-Man initially launches a unique, game-game, releasing challenges for players to complete.

Marvel Avengers is just a month away, with the beta weekend starting for players starting in early August. In the Saints Peter and Paul War table stream, Crystal Dynamics reveals hockey as the game's first launch hero. Bow and arrow customers come as part of Avenger's initiative to follow Marvel's Avengers' main campaign.Both heroes are free to Marvel Avengers owners.

Crystal Dynamics PlayStation 4, Marvel's Avengers for Windows PC and Xbox One launch on September 4. After this holiday the game comes to the next generation consoles.

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