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DC Universe Launches Online Wonderview Event

Join the Women's Council of Women and save Multiverse in the latest extension for DC Universe Online. Starting today on all platforms.
DC Universe Online Launches Wonderverse Event | Game Rant
DC Universe Online fans are eagerly awaiting as the latest episode of the game launches today, it is free for all players of the game on all platforms, including the event version of the episode. The release, originally announced in June, has been a bit of a shame for DC Fangme for a few weeks, which may be part of the DC-related announcements.

New and experienced players are battling The New Gods of Apocalypse in a new episode titled WonderWorks. With a broken source wall, Multiverse began to merge and the only way to prevent this catastrophe was to team up with heroes from other Multiverse. Athletes work with the Male Council of Women to stop the threat and repair the corner wall.
DCUO Announces Next Episode: Wonderverse | DC Universe Online
While Wonder Woman fans will have to wait a bit for Wonder Woman 1984, the new expansion will help as the new council will have a number of women joining different Wonder Womans. Led by Nubia, the council includes the familiar Flashpoint Wonder Woman and Red Sun Wonder Woman in comics, but newcomers to the DC Universe Online. If working with the council, players will need to work together to restore the base wall to its natural state.

Gracie with Darkseed leads the new threat, and Orion joins in, as the trio try to gather source wall pieces to retain their powers. Players will have to withdraw creams from the gods if there is any chance to keep the peace and restore the multiverse, so Zeus, Hera and Poseidon are expected to run into the game for the first time.

DCUO is a free-to-play MMO developed by Dimensional Ink Games. Originally launched on the Nintendo Switch on PC and PS3 with the latest version of DC Universe Online. Since the free version and paid version are available for interested players, the game has received a lot of extensions since its launch. Players who subscribe to the game have unlimited currency, more character slots and full access to all the former DLCs in the game.

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